Creative Prayer

Creative Prayer


Pope Francis has said that the Year 2024 is a special year of prayer. At its most simple level, prayer is making a connection with God and we can make that connection in many ways. It may include: thanking God; telling God some news; sharing a worry; asking God for something or just simply spending some quiet time with God. Prayers can take place: standing, sitting, moving around or by being still. It really doesn’t matter!

There are many traditional prayers that we say inside and outside of school. They include the Our Father and the Hail Mary. Traditional prayers can be thought of as a pathway to help focus getting a message to God but they are not the only way to pray. This year, we have introduced ‘Creative Prayer’ into the classrooms. The children have really embraced this form of prayer! Praying creatively can be as simple but powerful as reflecting on words or images, using objects and practical responses like placing a pebble in water, lighting a candle or using bubbles or modelling dough to pray. So many materials have been used to make that connection with God.